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Please ensure all artwork for print is supplied in line with these specifications. Artwork received that is not in line with these specifications may be subject to amend charges. Out of Hand cannot accept responsibility for print errors or late deliveries where artwork has been supplied incorrectly.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the studio on 01329 848 628, or click here to email your enquiry.


  • We can accept files in the majority of commonly used print formats.

  • The ideal format is a PDF as this will produce the best representation of your original artwork.

  • We can also accept .tif, .eps, .jpg .ai and other image files.

  • Files supplied in Microsoft office format may not always reproduce as expected.
    Please convert files in this format to a PDF or Hi-Res image file before submitting them.



  • Files should be supplied at print size plus 3mm bleed .
    It is important that all artwork includes an additional 3mm bleed on all sides, all text and images should be at least a further 3mm in. This is necessary because your job will be printed on an oversize sheet and trimmed down to size. The guillotine, whilst very accurate, does have a certain tolerance that can result in a thin white line on one or more edges if there is no bleed on the artwork.

  • Print will be produced at the size ordered.
    If artwork is supplied at a different size but in the correct proportions we will resize it and proceed to print. If the artwork supplied does not fit the size ordered we will send notification and await revised artwork, this may affect your delivery date.

  • Please ensure all artwork is centred within the document page.



  • All images should be a minimum of 300dpi higher if you can at final print size.

  • If you supply a .jpg, .tif or other image file for your complete layout it is very important that it is a minimum of 300dpi at final print size.
    Anything lower may appear blocky and text could become illegible once printed.

  • The colour format should be CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black) unless otherwise agreed.
    Any files supplied in RGB (Red, Green, Blue) colour format will be converted to CMYK for print and colours may change quite significantly from how they appear on screen. Any Pantone colours used will be converted to CMYK using standard ink libraries unless otherwise ordered.

  • Maximum ink coverage must be no more than 280%.
    We recommend a vibrant black is created with 100% Black, 40% Cyan, 20% Magenta and 20% Yellow. Any light white out text and/or artwork will not appear crisp and may fill in if ink coverage is too high.

  • All fonts should be embedded or converted to outlines.
    This will avoid any issues when the file is processed.

  • Ideally all artwork should be flattened before submitting.
    Transparencies can cause issues when processing files for print, especially if spot colours or different colour formats have been combined. Care should be taken that all knockout and overprint setting are left as default otherwise images and text may disappear or change when printed. You can view an overprint preview in Acrobat that may highlight this before submitting your artwork for print.



  • Any job that has specific folding requirements needs to have the artwork accompanied with a visual.
    This should show clearly how the job is to be folded and finished. In the absence of folding instructions we will not proceed with the job but will proof the job as we envisage it folding, this may hold up production if we have to wait for approval.


Please note that we cannot be held responsible for any print errors that are caused but the submission of incorrect artwork. If you would like to see a proof before print or you have any questions about your artwork please contact us.


Click here for a video that may help

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